Volunteer Opportunities

Parent Coach

Each team will have a minimum of 2 parent coaches. Main responsibilities for this position are managing the playing time and safety of our skaters for weekend games. No formal hockey experience/knowledge is necessary. However, each coach will be required to be registered as a member of USA Hockey and complete its online Safe Sports Training and age specific module. New coaches will also need to attend a virtual coaching clinic. Benefits include front row action, the opportunity to give your best Miracle on Ice pregame speech and unimaginable amount of glory as the W's add up. Attendance at practices is not necessary.

Team Manager

Each team will have a dedicated Team Manager. Main responsibilities for this position are to confirm rosters for the weekend games, coordinate the goalie position (if there is no dedicated player for the team) and manage all team-specific communication. The position can also volunteer as a coach or, if not the Gordon Bombay type, can be strictly "front office".

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